Why It Pays to Wear Progressive Eyeglasses?

Once you pass the age of forty chances are that you will start developing vision problems, which can best be solved by wearing progressive eyeglasses. Latest technological advancements have helped to ensure that you can now wear just one pair of eyeglasses to fix different vision problems including nearsightedness and farsightedness. Whether you are having trouble seeing at a distance, close up or at an intermediate distance these eyeglasses will fix everything for you.

There are several good reasons to opt for progressives including the fact that they fix not just near and farsightedness but they can also fix your computer vision syndrome problem. Also, since one pair of eyeglasses can fix different vision problems you won't need to buy extra pairs of eyeglasses to fix each vision problem.

The simple truth is that progressive glasses are more advanced and better than bifocals and even trifocals. They incorporate a special lens, which has a greater number of diopters that in turn help to ensure a clearer view for near as well as intermediate, and even far distances. Just one pair of eyeglasses will solve three different problems for you.

Of course, in the beginning, you will require some time to get used to your progressives. They do not have any lines on the lenses to distinguish the different powers. So, before you opt for them you need to spend some time getting adjusted to the different lens powers. You should wear your progressive eyeglasses as much as possible so that you can get used to them. At first, things might not be so simple but over time you will get used to them and you will start feeling comfortable. Just make sure that when driving that you take special precautions to ensure that you do not meet with a mishap because your eyes are not adjusting properly to the lenses. The same is the case when walking down the stairs. You need to adjust your vision to ensure that you do not stumble down the stairs. You may even need to lower your head to get a better view of the staircase. Just make sure that when you lower your head to see clearly that you also do not lower your eyes because then you won't be looking through the correct part of the lens.

Progressive eyeglasses are designed in a special way. This design depends to a large degree on the length as well as the width of the power and so when ordering your glasses make sure that these are properly set. Depending on how you plan to use your eyeglasses you will need to order your eyeglasses according to this usage. For example, if you plan on using the eyeglasses to view the computer screen then you will need a wide intermediate zone in your lens. If you plan to use the eyeglasses to read, then you will need a wider reading diopter area.

The bottom line is that progressives solve multiple vision problems and hence are not only more convenient to use but also more affordable and multifunctional.